Monday 6 April 2009

Ironing Marathon!

I can't claim to do all of my ironing myself. Since being unwell, I have employed the services of a lovely ironing lady Mrs M, who does most of it for me. This may seem like a luxury (and I suppose it is!) but it really is a much needed luxury! I would love to be able to keep up with the ironing demands of a family of 4, but some days I am just not up to it, so that's where Mrs M comes in.

This week, with school stopping and Easter weekend approaching, I have been concentrating on getting all the laundry up to date; including the ironing. The weather has been fine, so getting the laundry dry has been a "breeze" (pardon the pun) so ironing- wise, Mrs M has done half and I have done the other half of what was needed. This is what I have been working on this morning. It's all folded neatly and stacked on the dining room table ready to be put away.

I think I have earned a cuppa!

1 comment:

  1. I spend to much time ironing fabric so clothes are a big chore to me so i would say Mrs M is a must !!

    Glad that you got the bag safely too and that you like it x x

    Sara x
